You can customize a menu that appears on rightclicking of CorelDRAW Desktop area even when no documents are opened. |
VBA macros extend your ability to focus on important things by automating routine operations.
All code is developed with DRAW X3, most of it works with X4/12/11 as well.
[hint] CorelDRAW's Desktop menu launcher
RecentFiles Nov30 - a fix of Nov21 :-)
Last version of RecentFiles macro (Nov21) was locking bitmap image files (except CPT) being previewed, so external writing to them was prohibited. Nov30 version fixes this.
Downloadwx_TOOLS :: BitmapsResizer
See also: wx_TOOLS package full description
- wx.BitmapsResizer - to change (all/page/selected) bitmaps' dimensions proportionally (or force the values entered, if both X,Y are non-zero), optionally processes powerclipped contents
[general] Registry optimization tip
Windows Registry contains a lot of orphaned and superfluous information after a few months of usage: recently used files for many apps, not more existing SharedDlls, etc - which is cleaned by many registry cleaning tools.
Yet I've seen no tool to care about:
- Orphaned HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Interface records
sometimes there may exist a lot - check an AHK script to enumerate and delete them
. - Explorer ShellTray notification icons arrangement
as much as 3MB is quite usual :-) check it yourself, run: regedit /e c:\test.reg HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\TrayNotify
then see the size of c:\test.reg file and divide it in two. See the next item for a cure.
. - Explorer wallpapers recently used list
mine was 0.5MB, check it by running: regedit /e c:\test.reg HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Wallpaper
here's the reg to clean shelltray and wallpapers MRU list. Paste to notepad and save it to "CleanRegTrayAndWallpapers.reg", type it with quotes(!), then double click it and perform a Windows re-login.
After all these clean-ups the Registry contains a lot of interspersed blocks marked as free, which is not good since new data won't necessarily fit in any of those. So a defragmentation is required, here's IMHO the simplest and fastest tool to do it: One Click Windows Registry Optimizer, 140kb portable version (no installation is required)
RecentFiles Nov21 - show image info + PDF pages
- preview bitmap images dimensions, dpi, color mode
- PDF mediabox, PDF page count
- changed: import of PDF by doubleclick - MultiPage/Groupped question is shown only if PDF file has actually more than 1 page (number of pages is shown on the 'multipage' button)
DRAW 12/X3 UI adjustment effects customization fix
CorelDRAW 12/X3 options' customization doesn't provide some of color adjustment effects for shortcut assignment, there are no labels for them, nowhere, even in 'All commands' section, e.g.Contrast Enhancements (aka Levels), etc. - 12 effects from Adjust menu....
I wouldn't be me if I didn't succeed in tweaking it :-) so it's just one-click away
200k autopatcher CDRAdjustmentEffectsCustomizationEnabler.exe
wx_PatchDraw [updated]
- New: patch.RenderResolution, on-the-fly change of Render Effects Resolution, dpi
New: patch.AutocenterPowerClipToggle, on-the-fly toggling of "Center new powerclips contents" option
New: patch.NavigatorWindowSize - for X3 & X4, resizes document navigator (50-500, DRAW's default is 150), standard hotkey is "N"
Download test version of the macro - patch.SlowZoomToggle - toggle mousewheel zoom speed (fast, as in X3 default, or slow, as in Draw11). Shift-scrolling speed is also toggled.
- patch.ZoomLevelLimitToggle - toggle "Maximum (minimum) zoom level achieved reached" messages.
- patch.NodeGlyph2xToggle - toggle double size for nonselected node glyphs in node edit mode. Nodes thus are easier to be seen / work with.
- patch.NodeGlyphColoredToggle - toggle node color coding for different types of nodes.
- patch.SnapRadiusSet - set userspecified value of gravity of snapping (1..35, default is 10). High value (35) makes it a lot easier to work with guidelines and snap-to-objects
- patch.SnapRadiusStd10, SnapRadiusMax35 - 1-click macros to quickly set gravity of snapping to 10 and 35 respectively
- patch.CLOLreadToggle - disable reading of ColorStyles from CDR files to speed-up opening
- patch.CLOLwriteToggle - disable saving of ColorStyles to CDR files to optimize file size to speed-up saving
- patch.CrossHairToggle - fullscreen cross hair mouse pointer
- patch.DispImageAntiAliasToggle - antialiasing of bitmaps in enhanced view mode
- patch.Setup - configure automatic applying of the settings at startup time. Naturally don't forget to clear the "DelayLoadVBA" checkbox in Tools-Options-VBA - thus actually allowing VBA macros to run at startup.
- works with DrawX3sp2 (
RecentFiles Nov11 - important fix
Nov 11:
- Important fix: skip '..' parent folder on (multiple) file delete.
Today I've just deleted 1.5GB of my very valuable data folder, thanx to file restoring software I immediately got it back :-) - SaveAs invoke mode if form was minimized - fixed: wrong control got focus, now it's file name input field
wx_TOOLS updates: bitmaps, screenscroll, PClipPick
See also: wx_Tools: previous blog post with package description
Fixed: PClipPick bug with screen redraw when no object under mouse
- wx.ZoomOutBack - to replace F3 hotkey, restores old pre-X3 behaviour
- wx.OutlineEqualsFill - makes outline color equal to fill. Useful for trace results in X3 to eliminate faint ghostly 'outline'
- wx.BitmapsDownsample - resamples bitmaps if its dpi is larger than specified by 20%. Asks dpi # and processes selected / whole doc, including powerclips. Shows per page statistics
- wx.BitmapsSetDPI - changes dpi value for bitmaps without resampling. Asks dpi # and processes selected / whole doc, including powerclips. Shows per page statistics.
- wx.BitmapsToPowerclips - puts bitmaps into powerclips. Asks bleed # and processes selected / whole doc. Shows per page statistics.
- wx.ScrollScreenDown, ...Up ...Left ...Right ...DownRight ...UpRight ...DownLeft ...UpLeft - Scroll by 80% of screen. Assign e.g. to Ctrl-Alt-Numpad keys (1 to 9)
VectorChannelMixer for CMYK [updated]
wx_PatchDraw :: NodeGlyphColoredToggle added
Added new macro to the wx_PatchDraw package. patch.NodeGlyphColoredToggle - toggle node color coding for different types of nodes. Download |
wx_TOOLS macro package
The package of versatile handy tools I use currently to slipstream my workflow.
- wx.PClipPick - pick a powerclipped shape(s) without entering powerclip editing mode. Works with keyboard assignment only: for example "W" and "Shift-W" (to add to selection). Repeat the macro to pick nested shapes.
- wx.InvertSelection - invert shapes selection
- wx.ZoomOutBack - to replace F3 hotkey, restores old pre-X3 behaviour
- wx.CreateFountain - to quickcreate complex fountain fills - select a few uniformly filled shapes, invoke the macro, pick the target shape which will be painted with a fountain fill consisting of the selected colors.
Updated to preserve angle and space between source swatches - wx.selectComplexCurves - to find shapes with number of nodes greater than specified
- wx.selectSameFillColor, wx.selectSameFillAndOutline, wx.selectSameOutline, wx.selectSameDialog - selects ungroupped shapes with same fill/outline colors. Enable keyboard ScrollLock led to specify sensitivity (negative values allow selection inside groups)
- wx.transparentEdge - create feathered edges for simple shapes (quirky)
- wx.PasteAtMouse - paste the clipboard at mouse position
- wx.ForEach - repeat last standard transform (repeatable usually with Ctrl-R) for the selection of multiple shapes individually for each (each repetition creates its 'undo' record)
- wx.OutlinesToQ_KillEmpty - converts outlines to curves and deletes original shapes if it has no fill
- wx.sizePagetoFIT - resizes page to fit objects + user specified gap
- wx.selectSmallObjects - select objects smaller than user specified threshold
- wx.outlineBehind - enable outline behind. Shift-click to disable
- wx.OutlineIncrease & OutlineDecrease - change selected shapes' outlines width. Each width is changed individually which allows changing of different widths in one selection. I have it on Ctrl-Alt-Up & Down
- wx.OutlineEqualsFill - makes outline color equal to fill. Useful for trace results in X3 to eliminate faint ghostly 'outline'
- wx.GuideHorizontal, GuideVertical - create guide at mouse cursor. Assign to a hotkey
- wx.BlendSplit - splits blend at position under mouse cursor. Invoke via hotkey only
- wx.pageNamesAsNumbers - remove page names ("Page #") so that only numbers remain.
- wx.dupOnNextPage - quick copying of selection to the next page (no clipboard usage). Layers currently are merged.
- wx.TextToCurves - text to curves (also powerclipped) throughout whole document or selection only.
- wx.ConvertShapesToCMYK - converts shapes and bitmaps to CMYK (selected/whole doc)
- wx.BitmapsDownsample - resamples bitmaps if its dpi is larger than specified by 20%. Asks dpi # and processes selected / whole doc, including powerclips. Shows per page statistics
- wx.BitmapsSetDPI - changes dpi value for bitmaps without resampling. Asks dpi # and processes selected / whole doc, including powerclips. Shows per page statistics.
- wx.BitmapsToPowerclips - puts bitmaps into powerclips. Asks bleed # and processes selected / whole doc. Shows per page statistics.
- wx.BitmapsResizer - to change (all/page/selected) bitmaps' dimensions proportionally (or force the values entered, if both X,Y are non-zero), optionally processes powerclipped contents
- wx.ScrollScreenDown, ...Up ...Left ...Right ...DownRight ...UpRight ...DownLeft ...UpLeft - Scroll by 80% of screen. Assign e.g. to Ctrl-Alt-Numpad keys (1 to 9)
Purchase at
workspace UI storage cleanup
Test version which helps greatly maintaining large customized UI workspaces.
- You need it when it takes too long to open options's customization list (more than 1-2 seconds) which occures usually after a few months of moderate UI customizing.
- The macro works from inside of Draw as usual gms do, and optimizes UI .xml storage
c:\Documents and Settings\**XPaccount**\
Application Data\Corel\Graphics13\User Workspace\CorelDRAW\
**WorkspaceName**\DRAWUIConfig.xml - Keeps your custom icons, hotkey assignments, customized names for macros
- Removes temporary duplicates of macro definitions which is the real cause of fat XML file.
Usage: run macro, close Draw, backup old XML, rename the optimized file to DRAWUIConfig.xml
Download: wx_UICleanXML
- load a gms from anywhere by just drag'n'drop and make it available for running/editing in this session only
- load and copy gms to standard Draw gms folder
- rebuild a gms file to reduce its size before distribution. Works better than File->Save and produces files much smaller in case of complex project structure.
- create an empty gms without restarting Draw
- works with DRAW v12/X3/X4
Download: wx_GMStools
RecentFiles--July03 :: import like Draw
- Importing via RF - mouse click to set X/Y position or
to keep embedded (useful for vector formats) or to force page center - import 'PSInterpreted' :: save user's answer and keep it for all selected
- folder in saveAs mode is remembered for new files just created
- Ghostscript dll path in Options
- PDF, PS, AI, PRN, EPS thumbnails displayed. GhostScript is required for most part
Previous changes:
- May31: PickFolder function
fixed, broken May27 - May29: fmtnum1 syntax error fixed, thx Matthew! (the error occured only if CDRinfo is enabled)
- May27: in SaveAs mode: doubleclick a file in folderpane to save into (overwrite warning displayed)
- May16
New folder creation (F7 or rightclick menu)
Default version for saving setup (click v:>>)
Notes/Keywords editing on save (click ©)
Min/Max/Close mouse hiliting - May14
closing by X fixed when in quicksearch editbox.
closing maximized window - size & layout saved correctly now - May10: CorelDRAW 11 compatibility fixed
- May 8: New options:
Button pictures toggle
Icons in folder pane toggling
Coloring of files (cdr/image/folder) toggle
MacroInstaller :: MenuBar expanded
to expand submenus: Click 'expand MenuBar' button
wx_ImportWithName easy autotagger
Provides a way to import files retaining source name & path of the file in statusbar and object manager — just drag'n'drop files on the macro window, from any Explorer folder (do not use File-Import dialog)
- hold Alt to ignore forceDpi, hold Ctrl to specify ForceDpi
- Right-click the window to set options and lookup help
- Screen position of macro window will be remembered.
- StatusBar widths saving (rightclick the macro window), to make dpi visible in statusbar: remove 'HelpInfo' field, re-arrange 'ObjDetails' & 'ObjInfo' widths and position, enable StatusBar saving in rightclick macro menu
sameColorSelect + wx_TransparentEdge
- ColorSel.selectSameFillColor - selects objects with same fill color as current shape's
- ColorSel.selectSameOutline - same outline color
- ColorSel.selectSameFillAndOutline - same fill and outline colors
- ColorSel.selectSameDialog - see picture
invoke the dialog, set the options, further calls to selectSame... 1-click macros will use the settings
Transparent edge (vector / bitmap, 1 object, no groups): wx_TransparentEdge.exe
- Live preview
AutoDPI for imported bitmaps (72dpi fix)
wx.setDpi - sets dpi value (without resampling) for bitmaps (selected/page)
wx.setDpiSetup - setup of automatic dpi setting for any imported bitmaps (0 = disable).
p.s. Installation routine enables VBA macros to initialize at DRAW's startup (thus providing the macro's behaviour immediately after launch of DRAW) by unchecking VBAdelayLoad option, available also in Tools->Options->VBA.
DownloadScatterToNewLayers updated
See also full package description
- Updated ScatterToNewLayers: Shape names are used for new layers
macro updated: MacroInstaller
See also full package description
- added 'Load icon from file' button
- autosizing of icons frame relative to screen pixel height
- now built-in icons are loaded dynamically from CorelDraw on disk dll and the icons shown correspond to current version of application (earlier CDX3's icons were shown always)
- icons are divided into two vertical blocks and window is scrolled if needed
See also full description
- fixed no-show of CDRinfo+ when enabled
- Fixed viewmode change if macro is invoked by AltF1.
- New feature: when launched by keyboard shortcut the macro remembers it so next time you press it INSIDE the macro window the shortcut closes the macro
- macro title now displays current folder name at fixed position so file name is clearly readable (broken in Mar23, fixed in Mar26)
- icons mode - no initial empty space at left of the list. (at last!!!!)
- Caption for long file names is showed again. (broken in Mar23)
- Wrong icon assigned to the history list item (when browsing in folders panel, broken in Mar23).
- New effect on buttons mouse tracking (check it out!)
Download: RecentFiles--Mar29
Thanx Ronny for testing!
enhanced macro: ShowLayer
- new macro in the wx_ShowLayer package:
ActivateLayerSetup - settings for layer autoactivation on shape selection - CorelDRAW caption info: ActiveLayer, ColorProfile, short DocumentName
- Layer activation behaviour extended via the new setup macro
- Simplifies work in multilayered document
updated macro: wx_MacroInstaller
See also this post
- Added: "Run" current macro, also by doubleclick or Enter key
- Now the macro is quite usable as an enhanced replacement of Tools->VisualBasic->Run
- Substring search on all macros installed, hilighting found ones.
- Added: in search field it is possible to press Up & Down arrows keys (on keyboard also) to move to prev./next match
- Added: small ergonomic dialog mode with only the macros list (toggled by "UI installer" & "Preview" checkboxes)
- Added: if a file name is different from its macro project name it will be shown additionaly
- Added: "@AppData" will be added to macro project name if a gms file resides in c:\Documents and Settings\**xpAccount**\Application Data\Corel\Graphics##\User Draw\GMS\
updated macro: Bitmap Multipage Export
See also: Bitmap Multipage Export [updated for X4]
Updated for compatibility with CorelDRAW12
Still doesn't run in CD11 :-(updated macro: Bitmap Multipage Export
- new buttons for page selection: None & Current (page)
- progress bar is displayed during export
- last used folder is moved on top of folders list on successful export operation
- last used folder is restored on next run of the macro
Show/hide UI elements + toolbars locking
• wx.ShowHideToolbars one-click macro to toggle visibility of UI elements such as toolbars, palettes, menu, rulers, guides, dockers (also docked to a dockers shuffler). May apply to window captions of nonmaximized document windows (tiled/cascaded) if AppCaption option is enabled (see below), also autosizes such windows to right/bottom to fully occupy application's MDI area.
Assign it to ~ or Alt-~ or Ctrl-~ for example.
Updated: reliably toggles dockers panel (also X4) and KEEPS CURRENT ZOOM LEVEL RATIO and ARTWORK PHYSICAL ON-SCREEN POSITION!
• wx.SetupShowHideToolbars - shows options dialog where you can setup what UI elements will be toggled
• wx.DockersShufflerToggle - toggles all dockers pane (handy for a keyboard hotkey assignment)
• wx.guidesToggleEdit - toggles guides editability
• wx.LockToolbars & wx.UnlockToolbars - locks/unlocks toolbars so they won't move by accidental inaccurate click.
Important note for locking of toolbars: since it's undocumented you will have to use a Repair button (wx.SetupShowHideToolbars) to restore visibility of the list of your custom toolbars, this is easy:
1. lock toolbars, restart DRAW so that locking state is written to workspace on exit
2. start DRAW, run wx.SetupShowHideToolbars, click Repair button, click "Open" in the xml selection dialog, now a new window for the folder with xmls is opened - you'll need it later
3. exit DRAW and manually backup your old DRAWUIConfig.xml, delete it from the original folder and rename the fixed xml (with "fixed" word in name) to DRAWUIConfig.xml
Emergency restoring of menu visibility if you cannot relaunch the macro using keyboard shortcut: 1. press and hold Alt key (all the time to last step) 2. rightclick empty space in document window 3. in menu that appeared, rightclick any item 4. enable "Menu" (usual leftclick) 5. release Alt |
macro: Linked bitmaps 100% view
Imports source image for every linked image shape in selection/page.
After viewing press CtrlZ to remove.