See also: wx_Tools: previous blog post with package description
Fixed: PClipPick bug with screen redraw when no object under mouse
- wx.ZoomOutBack - to replace F3 hotkey, restores old pre-X3 behaviour
- wx.OutlineEqualsFill - makes outline color equal to fill. Useful for trace results in X3 to eliminate faint ghostly 'outline'
- wx.BitmapsDownsample - resamples bitmaps if its dpi is larger than specified by 20%. Asks dpi # and processes selected / whole doc, including powerclips. Shows per page statistics
- wx.BitmapsSetDPI - changes dpi value for bitmaps without resampling. Asks dpi # and processes selected / whole doc, including powerclips. Shows per page statistics.
- wx.BitmapsToPowerclips - puts bitmaps into powerclips. Asks bleed # and processes selected / whole doc. Shows per page statistics.
- wx.ScrollScreenDown, ...Up ...Left ...Right ...DownRight ...UpRight ...DownLeft ...UpLeft - Scroll by 80% of screen. Assign e.g. to Ctrl-Alt-Numpad keys (1 to 9)